Wow, I don't know what to say about that herb, but it is POWERFUL. First of all, it had a really strong laxative effect for me, which, I was not expecting, since it's not known for that. But definitely this herb made sure that whatever was in my stomach the day before, would be out promptly by the end of the day. That was unexpected. Also, i felt a bit groggy, although I'm not sure if it was the blue vervain or just the way I felt that day. I'm thinking its the blue vervain. It's a nervine, and those are interesting to try, because.. well, they can be mood altering. They are in the same family as prescription narcotics.. pharmaceudicals that are prescribed for sleep, anxiety, depression. Some nervines are also anti-depressants. Blue Vervain is used along with Scullcap for this purpose. Anyhow, lets just say that nervines can be quite an experience, and an experience this was.
Let's see. Blue Vervain is a:
Diuretic (increases the secretion and elimination of urine)
Nervine (Tones & strengthens nervous system by as a stimulant or sedative)
Sedative (Calms nervous system and reduces stress & nervousness throughout the body)
Digestive bitter (stimulates digestion)
Diaphoretic (promotes sweating & the elimination of toxins through the skin)
Lactagogue (stimulates the production of milk for nursing mothers)
Anti-Inflammatory (calms and relieves inflammation)
Anti-Spasmodic (calms spasms & cramps)
Mild Coagulant (controls bleeding; aids in the healthy clotting of blood)
Improves liver and gall bladder function
Stimulates the Uterus (post-childbirth, aids in healing & restoring to proper size & condition)
Astringent (contracts tissue to reduce secretions & discharges)
Alterative (known to be blood cleansers that restore proper function of the body, increasing vitality & overall health)
Blue Vervain is good for:
*Depression (best combined with oat, yellow lady's slipper & scullcap)
*Nervous Stomach (relaxes stomach muscles)
*Moderate stimulation of intestinal secretions (aha!)
*Gall Bladder
*Insufficient Lactation
*Liver disorders
*Induces menstruation
*Promotes sweating
*Excess nausea & vomiting
*Externally for minor injuries, eczema, sores, abscesses)
*gum disease
*Urinary disorders
*Upper respiratory infection
*An ingredient in Recovery Tea, which woman can take post-childbirth to both support lactation and aid the uterus in contracting back to it's normal size. It also helps to heal the site where placenta was attached to the uterus and balances the hormones.
So, as it seems blue vervain pretty much can handle whatever the hell your problem is. Its one of those herbs that has too many uses, it makes your head spin (plus its hard to remember them all). All I know is that I felt like dog doo doo the day after I drank it. I feel like it threw me into a premature state of PMS, which makes sense, since it is used to induce menstruation. And since I have irregular periods anyway, G-d only knows what this stuff can do to my schedule. Wierder things have happened. I just started my last period around the first, but man, did these PMS symptoms start showing the day after I drank the herb. Especially the emotional/mental aspect of it. Let's just say I was ridiculously emotional, got extremely upset with my roommate for no reason that makes any rational sense to either of us, and then proceeded to throw a shitfit about it for the rest of the night and most of the next day. I don't know what is wrong with me, and maybe its just a coincidence. But I think I'm going to be staying away from the blue vervain unless I want to get kicked out of my apartment, and lose all of my friends. Other than that it was lovely. Okay, maybe I would use it in a sleep remedy or externally in a muscle relaxing formula. It's not totally useless.
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