Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Field Journal 2: Trujillo Meadows Campground, Colorado

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Day 1 Notes:

1. Yellow flowers: potentilla for radiation toxicity. Good for ppl after chemo. Heals inflammation. Wound anti cancer salve. Good for IBS. Blood root also eats away at cancer tumors on skin. Foot bath, anti inflammatory. Dry & powder or use in tea. Hair rinse. Good for burns externally poultice. Cooling herb for excess heat. Psoriasis, excess mix with aloe Vera.
2: white flowers (look like yarrow & valerian)  cleavers, lymphatic cleanser. Immunity builder. Remove toxins, lymphatic drainage.
Also ocotillo, lymphatic lower (pelvic) good to mix with cleavers. Or poke root, red root for upper lymphatic cleaners (ie: tonsils). Cleavers high in chlorophyll.
Red root good for spleen detox.
Thyme great antibacterial. Also rosemary.
3. St. John's wort, tall yellow with red buds. Antiviral, wounds, shingles. Fresh plant tincture. Fresh plant oil. For nerve damage. Depression, nerves. Fresh plant oil for sunblock. Can increase sensitivity to sun. Nerve tonic with milky oat seed.
4. Little red ones prunella.
5. Nettles
6. Thistle
7. Red raspberry
8.yellow flowers,  Yerba del lobo. Helenium bucusai. Used instead of arnica, more plentiful. Fresh plant tincture or fresh plant oil
9. field mallow
10. Mugwort
11. Yellow flowers. Rubechia - echinacea substitute. Stim wht bld cell reproduction, fights infection
12. Gentian (crazy looking tall stalk plant) great bitters helps digestion. Take A few drops before u eat. Good for acid reflux, indigestion. Slows & eases digestion. Fresh or dry plant root tincture. Roots eat away at skin cancer lesions. Eats/dissolve cancer cells
Book 'cancer salves'. Ingrid. Black salve. Red root. Tissue eating & breaks the skin.

Day 2 Notes:
1. White Indian paintbrush
2. Bistort buckwheat. Root is used. Very astringent. Shrinking & drawing out toxins. Pulling. Can't buy it. Only harvest. Tea or tincture. Sore throats.
3. Marsh marigold
4. Bittercress Mustard (don't eat, cook it)
5. Monks hood. Purple flowers. Very toxic but used for shock or fear in homeopathy

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