Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Field Journal 1: Truth or Consequences, New Mexico

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Plants Notes, Day 1

1.Yellow clover
2. Yellow dock, leaves very laxative, high in iron, good for iron deficiency
3.honey mesquite, bean big staple, make flour out of it.
4. Tomatillo. Use fruits only. Topically for warts. Leaves have cooling nature. Nightshade family. Don't use too much.  Green tomatillos have lycopene, lutein.
5. Wolfberry, (nightshade) not for ingestion. Topical for warts
6. Black walnut. Leaves tonic & small intestine cleaner. Walnuts can be eaten. Small intestine cleansing important. Walnut hull, put in alcohol, make a tincture. Cures cancer, take to detox small intestine so it can absorb the nutrient.
Creates a dye, when u peel them, can use to dye hair. Leaves also, but milder.
Artemisia, cloves, sage natural to Taos,  & black walnut kill parfaits plus recommended cancer cure as a tincture all combined
7. Mulberry trees. Fruits edible. Leaf tea is cooling. Plus for joint pain, arthritis, tendinitis, any -itis. Good for anyone with too much heat.
8. Horehound. Coughs & expectorant
9. Common mallow. Marshmallow family. Mucilageanous. Soak overnight in water. It expands.
10. Horehound. Coughs,  expectorant. Bad tasting. Take small amounts. Makes clear tea. Lightly infused, b/c too cleansing for your liver. Grows everywhere. In the mint family. Tastes minty. I like the taste.
11. Local sumac. Can eat berries, full of vitamin C. Good to make tea/lemonade, thirst quenching.
12. Chaparral le. Bitter, good for infection. Cleans the blood. Make light infusion/ clear tea. 5 minutes infuse. Leaves & flower, not twigs. Antibiotic salve. Bathe in it for infections.  Make a tincture for liver cleanse, but make sure person doesn't have a weak liver & clear tea only, can have negative effects if too much. Arthritis. Alkali zing. Anti fungal foot bath. Cold sores. Head lice.
13. Condalia. Can eat berries. Sweet. Astringent to ur stomach. Don't eat too many at first.
14. Jimson weed. Leaf Used as a flavoring, gets people high. Belladonna. Has scopolamine, used for seasickness. Hallucinogenic in large doses. Don't smoke it. Analgesic. Can make a tea, pour in bath for aching muscles. Steam inhalation good.
15. Salt cedar.
16. Cottonwood. Good for pain, arthritis. In willow family. Make a tea, tincture . Aspen leaves. Willow bark, aspen bark comparable. Gould for bath blend.  Tea for uterine cancer/inflammation. Cottonwood tea. Good for back pain.

Plant Notes,  Day 2

Cactus. Choya- cactus. Good for diabetes. Also chia seed. Slows down absorption of sugar. Also chia seeds. Use choya buds & fruits.  Prickly pear fruit also once thus. Super fruit. Vitamin c. Root infusion dissolves kidney stones. very cooling. Prickly pear kills infection, wrap around wounds.
2. Desert marigold
3. Name? In Astor family.  Anti fungal, anti microbial. Good to kill mold.
4. Agave. Use throbs for acupuncture, sewing needles.  Tequila & mescal from the root. Roast, ferment & distill for mescal & tequila. Good for fermentation of the gut, to kill parasites. Leaf can be used the same way. Make fresh plant tincture. Soak with alcohol teakettle tincture. Has sapatin, like yucca. Good for diabetes-  the root. Good for hair. Cut & use mucilage for wound. Stop infection like aloe. Aloe is near Tucson. Syrup, cut the stalk when it's young, the the sugar.
3.  Ocotillo cactus. Good to make a tea . Needs extreme heat. Flowers good for stomach tonic, vitamin c. Use bark for fresh or dry plant tincture. Drains lymphatic, particularly pelvic. Decoct for a long time, or use tincture. Also for armpit. Swelling, poor drainage, varicose veins. Broken veins. Good for Miguel? Drains blockages of lymphatic system near pelvis (shrinks/repairs veins). Make poultice with cactus, then salve with ocotillo & tea.
4. Nopal apuntia cactus. Bioflavonoids, topically good for sunburns. Use mucilage from inside apply to skin. Anti inflammatory, cooling. Snake bite remedy. Draw out infection. Natures Gatorade. Good for electrolytes. Just soak on water for good desert drink. Hydrating, vitamin c.
5. Aloe & prickly pear meat can put in nose to repair tissue.
6. Yucca plant. Stalk can cut u can eat.  Like desert asparagus. In Lilly family. Can eat flowers, taste good. In soups, salads, eat raw. Multiple stamens & fused pistols. Can harvest & eat stalk, flowers & fruits. Must eat when green, before August. Tea for attitude. Alkali zing. Arthritis- too much Uric acid. Gets into joints, too acidic. Use root tea for that, plus sap. Good for hair, skin. Alkalizes the blood. Bring back PH balance. Yucca flowers anti cancer, ver cooling.
Site 2. Chaste tree/vitex. Verbena family plant. Stymies sex drive of men. Pepper tree as well. Vervains. Lavender flowers. Berries, collect late summer when brown/pepper. Monks bery, another name. Quells reproductive fire. Support progesterone for women. Prostate inflammation. Too much progesterone stops sex drive. Tincture of fresh or dried berries. Supports progesterone production. Good for PMS, too much estrogen. Good for cycle balancing. Good for me, to balance hormones. Look for vitex. Use with Mexican wild yam for menopause. Prostate cancer.
Chris Hobbs, author. Also wise woman herbs- herbs for women's health.
2. Arizona Cypress:  native desert cypress. Have nuts. Harvesting branchlets, great anti fungal. Roundworm, ringworm. Topical. Fresh or dry plant tincture, make into oil or salve. Dry, cracked sore feet. Weird skin infections. Tea & wash it. Make a paste with water & powder. Tea in a foot bath. Very relieving. Internally the tincture or clear tea for UTI. Anti microbial. Combo of a mallow $ Arizona cypress. Raspberry leaf. Internal for infections. General systemic infection. 4 cups a day. Good on a soap. Fights infections, salve. Decongestant to breathe vapors. Cypress & pine make a good combo.
Bug spray: 10% alcohol with aloe, cypress & lavender. Also for lice.
3. Snake broom. Willow tree. Pain. Also arthritis. Bathe in it & drink tea. Good for withdrawl from drugs. Washes & cleans the system. Cleanses kidneys & whole system. Flower, stems & leaves. Older people with body pains.
4. Desert willow. Red/pink flowers.

Plant Notes: Day 3

1. Mexican elder. Sambuca Mexicana. Elderflower, elderberries. Diaphoretic, for steaming (flowers), lightens freckles/sunspots, makes you swear out cold conditions. Cleansing, good for skin products, remove toxins from skin, baths (flowers).
2. Belladonna. Daturas medellides. Atropine, scopalamine. Analgesic. Gymson weed. Thorn apple.
Website: gilaflora. Reference for local southwestern herbs.
Book: planting the future. Good important book.
From earth to herbalists. Book about alternatives to endangered plant . medicines.
3. Desert willow. Fairly abundant in NM. Leaf used. Equal to pau de arco. Supresses fermentation in the body, such as candida. Avoid sugars & bad carbs. Drying. Can use w/ echinacea. Good for cleansing.
Pau de arco stops fermentation process. Flowers used for coughs in Mexico. Recurring coughs & sore throats. Leaf, tea or tincture. Flowers as poultice, for congestion.
4. Menzellia- u can eat the seeds raw. Survival food. Also called stick leaf. Sticky weed.
5. Devils claw, martinia. Edible seeds inside, taste like pine nuts.
6. Apache plume. Root for lung powers. Has cooling nature. Hot dry cough. Genus: falugia paradoxa. Blooms all summer, every time it rains. Grows in dry washes &. Riverbeds. Unique scent. Calming, soothing. Hair rinse, help hair grow. Dries oily hair if use the wash.
7. Morman tea. American ephedrine. Gets your heart pumping. Chinese variety is Seneca. Trifurca. Three leaves. Grows up to Socorro on the side of the highway. Milder form of ephedrine. Pick above ground plant. Cowboy tea. Allergies. Cures VD. Shrinks inflammation & diuretic. Stems & flowers. Boil Mormon tea, then add Chaparral for UTI. Don't cook chaparral for too long.
8. Screwbean Mesquite: makes a good eye wash. Tea, keep in fridge. Good for conjunctivitis, eye irritation.

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