Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Salve for Bruises

June 11, 2013

I just hung up with my dad, and he told me of some horrific bruise he got around his eye, resulting from some sort of collision with an inanimate object of which he was not aware, while he was sleeping. My dad bruises easily, and this has been a problem for him ever since he was recommended blood thinners by doctors, to prevent clots that could lead to a stroke or heart attack. The result is, he looks like he was just in a train wreck, or boxing match every time I see him. Bruises all over his arms and legs, caused far too easily by the most innocent brush with anything at all. So... after he told me of this "shiner" he woke up with, which prompted an emergency visit to the optomologist, and ultimately was a simple bruise, I came to the rescue, "Dad, I can make you a healing balm for bruises...". It's just time, and while normally unresponsive to my suggestions in the past, my submergence in the studies of the medicinal qualities of herbs (plus the mention that have patients that I am currently treating) must be giving me some sort of legitimacy in his eyes, hallelujah! So, it's time to work on the salve for bruises. Yay!!
Bruise Salve
Olive oil (base) - nourishing, vitamin rich, healing oil.
Rosehip Oil - speeds healing of bruises, soothes & heals skin. High in Vitamin C.
Vitamin E oil - speeds the healing of all external bruises, cuts, scrapes & wounds.
Calendula oil - sooths & heals skin in general, speeds healing of cuts, abrasions & wounds
Lavender - accelerates healing of abrasions
Comfrey - heals wounds & bruises
Echinacea - A great addition to any healing salve, as it has strong healing properties in general and speeds healing of all sorts of wounds/injuries & complaints.
Shea Nut Butter - nourishes skin, accelerates healing of bruises
Cocoa Butter - nourishes skin, accelerates healing of bruises

As an aside, some other helpful herbs for bruises, which I do not have in stock at the moment, but could be added to any salve for bruises specifically are:
Wood Betony
St Johns Wort

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